Tips and tricks for practicing with Djangolizer

More notes with scales

Learn the three most important diatonic scales in all five positions. Those are the Ionian, Dorian and Mixolydian scale. Practice them over the ii-V-I Quart Circle exercise from the Djangolizer library. Set the loop to four measures. Start slowly and practice them in only one or two positions on the fretboard per day. It's better you master less, than playing much very badly!
The 2-5-1 progression exists as a major and minor version.
A good song to explore this, is the song "Blue Bossa": C minor and C# major.

Another very important scale in Gypsy Jazz is the Harmonic Minor scale (HM1). It will help you through the most minor songs as: Dark Eyes (les yeux noirs), Blue Drag, Douce Ambiance, Minor Blues and many more.
When you compare the harmonic minor scale with the m6 arpeggio, you can see, that the sixth note is different. Actually, the Melodic Minor scale would fit better in this case. But somehow, many Gipsies prefer the Harmonic Minor scale over the m6 chord. But find out yourself, wich one you like better. Your taste should be your guide.

Another scale Django liked very much, is the Whole-Tone scale. He used it in the song "Rythme Futur".

There are many more scales in Djangolizer. Check them out, when you become curious.