Key commands
The online version of Djangolizer has a few limitations, especially in the full screen view. That's a limitation of Adobe's Flash.i opens and closes the song information window.
Arrow keys move the cursor around in the chord table.
Delete deletes the chord at the cursor position.
Space starts and stops the playback.
L toggles the playback between full song and single measures loop.
N/M decreases/increases the tempo about 5 bpm.
T turns the transpose function on and off.
A turns the arpeggio view on and off.
S turns the scale view on and off.
C turns the chord view on and off.
1 - 5 with those numbers you can select a position.
F turns the full fretboard view on and off.
D shows the diagonal view
Arrowkeys select a songup/down
Arrowkey adds the selected song to the setlist.
Enter replaces the actual song in the setlist.