Functions of Djangolizer
With Djangolizer you can:- compose your own songs and save them on your harddisk.
- let play your songs at any tempo with a rhythm section: a rhythm guitar and a bass.
- play the whole song or just a few measures in a loop.
- choose the groove: 4/4 swing or 3/4 waltz.
- transpose your song into all the 12 tonalities.
- share your compositions with other Djangolizer user all-over the world. Save them on the server in the USER folder or share them by email.
- have access to a huge online library. There are already over 400 standards available on the server. Each song has some information about the harmonies and the best working scales of the song and tips how to play a solo over it.
- you can choose a different scale for each chord in the song.
There are 40 scales you can choose from.
- see on a virtual fretboard all the possible notes you can play over each chord of the song.
The fretboard view is for right- and lefthanded guitar players.
There is also a diagonal view for the scales and arpeggios.
- or switch to the score view. You can select the key of your instrument, C, Bb, Eb, F and A. The playback will still play the chords in the original key.
- print out the grid (chordprogression), the notes on the fretboard or in score for your students.
You can print whole setlist with up to 15 songs.
The limits of the Djangolizer Demo
You can't compose your own song, but you have access to some famous Django Reinhardt compositions. One of them is a waltz.Only a partial view of the scales and arpeggios on the fretboard.
Caution: The Demo version only works with Adobe Flash Player.
Unfortunately the Flash Player does not run on iOS or Android and is no longer supported by all web browsers.
Check out the Djangolizer Demo now
Have fun...